Month: April 2018

day 111

daily poem

tripping  column of rainbow light melting into a kaleidoscopic horizon rock cliffs fall into white foam lavender waves roll to cloudy heaven it’s not acid just monday evening. kathryn lyster

day 110

daily poem / poetry blog

the telling many things he couldn’t tell her not because he didn’t want to he just didn’t know how his stories were pebbles he clutched in both hands his hands were fists that couldn’t open they held the most precious parts of him and she she was just a woman already walking away. kathryn lyster

day 107

daily poem

the blessing High moon Silver spread ricochet into bubblewrap clouds Gold ring, pristine light over treetops wearing Earth's crown. I stood silently. In awe. kathryn lyster

day 103

daily poem / poetry blog

colourless Your little mountain house we lived in no wifi  no mobile reception jungle storms raising the river & flooding us in years ago now    in this hustling city wearing ripped jeans white grey black i sometimes wonder who i have become. kathryn lyster

day 100

daily poem / poetry blog

news of the day  all the curveballs life throws good, bad & just plain ugly either way we’re stunned mouths hanging open – like, What? Can you say that again? if you wait long enough tears become laughter. Good news rolls around again. kathryn lyster

day 96

daily poem / poetry blog

Bells Beach Nothing else for it Get back on your board Paddle. Hard Let the ocean smack Your Cheeks (spray floods your ears) Watch seabirds dive for breaching silver fish Get pummeled To the sandy bottom Come up for air Startled. Breathless. Alive. kathryn lyster  

day 94

daily poem / poetry blog

home I would run off the edge of the earth at the place where the sky bends Dive into stars spread my arms wide to the universe Swim through ink Stare in awe at this orbiting gem Crawl back to the blue planet Happy & wet. kathryn lyster

day 92

daily poem / poetry blog

my other life Back when days were long & hapless Lazing in rivers Climbing  waterfalls Picking mangoes Picnics in paddocks Hiking the escarpment at dawn   Mt Warning in the distance  Cradled by nature   Dripping in blue flowers  Floating horizon on my mind. (I left you there) kathryn lyster

day 91

daily poem

Heaven  running on beach sand over tiny seagull tracks hundreds of three-pronged footprints at sunset green waves rolling in like jelly under an apricot sky fall into water when i’m done soak up salt + all this glory. kathryn lyster 

day 90

daily poem / poetry blog

mondayitis incense smoke snakes through hope ferns    dog yaps outside next-door’s a chaotic mash of banging + jackhammers washing machine on spin dishes drying in rack blood is slow in my veins i’m staring at nothing can i freeze time with my mind stop the week from beginning? kathryn lyster